Upcycled Garments

By: Sara Radin

Matter FAVU Matter FAVU


The fashi­on indust­ry is noto­ri­ous for its mas­si­ve was­te pro­blem; the big busi­ness is frequent­ly called out for being one of the lar­gest pollu­ters glo­bally. According to The New York Times, near­ly three-​fifths of all clo­thing ends up in inci­ne­ra­tors or lan­d­fills within a year of being pro­du­ced. Beyond this, the Environmental Protection Agency found in 2013 that the­re were 15.1 mil­li­on tons of tex­ti­le was­te, of which 12.8 mil­li­on were dis­car­ded com­ple­te­ly, whi­le the ave­rage American throws away 70 pounds of clo­thing and other tex­ti­les each year. For many con­su­mers, these alar­ming num­bers are only really just star­ting to sink in, but much of the fashi­on indust­ry is still seve­ral years away from sol­ving these issues.

Cécile Poignant, a trend fore­cas­ter who works alon­g­si­de Li Edelkoort, says that as our collecti­ve aware­ness of the nega­ti­ve impacts of the fashi­on indust­ry grows, it is causing more brands to find new solu­ti­ons. „We no lon­ger have a cho­ice — brands must [get on board] if they want to keep the­ir cus­to­mers because it’s not only tren­dy but it’s necessa­ry,“ she affirms.